Fakwey, Darom (Mahkota Dewa), Suwey (Semang Perahu) are 3 main materials used to make noken of the Namblong tribe.
These plants grow abundantly in people's gardens. The plants used are 4-6 months old, with the part of the plant that is collected for the raw materials id the bark fiber from each plant.
Each plant has a different way of taking it’s bark fiber. In the Fakwey and Suwey (Semang Perahu) plants, the tree trunk is cut and then peeled to get the outer bark.
While in the Darom or Mahkota Dewa plant, to get the bark, the tree does not need to be cut, the peeling process is done directly on the tree. So that the Mahkota Dewa bark can be harvested many times on the same plant trunk.